IFS Delta Engine

The Delta Engine (DE) is a three way fully automated compare and merge of software tool.

It can be used as a powerful tool for context based file comparisons and difference analysis. You will typically use DE to merge Solutions/Patches from IFS R&D into your installation and it can also be used for parallel development or sharing of Customizations.

The tool is used in the patching process and is in use for upgrades and sharing of customizations.

Understanding the Delta Engine

The basics you need to understand about the Delta Engine and its user interface is described in Understanding the Delta Engine.

Introduction to the Delta Engine Wizard

The easiest way for a new user to get into the operations of the Delta Engine is to use the Wizard. Read about Using the Delta Engine Wizard

 Working with the Delta Engine

In Working with the Delta Engine you will get all the necessary details about extracting and applying file deltas.

IFS Delta Engine Properties

The behavior of the Delta Engine and specific detailed settings for the supported source code languages are configured in IFS Delta Engine Properties.