This page lists the options that are added to Setup.exe by the application components during a build.
Use this page when you want to understand what the options shown in Setup.exe are used for and find the prerequisites for the options.
Name | Component | Installation Type | Description |
IFS Business Reporter | BACLI | Runtime Environment | Installs the IFS Business Reporter client. Procedure: The installer will guide you through the rest of the installation. Follow the instructions how to install IFS Business Reporter client. Note: The IFS Business Reporter Execution Server is NOT installed as a part of Setup.exe. The installation is performed by using a stand-alone msi. Please refer to the IFS Business Reporter client instructions or to the installation section related to IFS Business Reporter Execution Server |
IFS Constraint Based Scheduling | CBS | Server Environment | Installs the IFS CBS Server and CBS Bridge. Procedure: The installer will launch the IFS CBS Setup Program and guide you through the rest of the installation. Follow instructions on how to install IFS Constraint Based Scheduling |
IFS Demand Planning | DEMAND | Runtime Environment | Installs the Demand Planning Client Procedure: The installer will guide you through the rest of the installation. Follow instructions on how to install Demand Planning |
IFS Demand Planning | DEMAND | Server Environment | Installs the Demand Planning Server and/or Demand Planning Applet Procedure: The installer will guide you through the rest of the installation. Follow instructions on how to install Demand Planning |
IFS Project Management Microsoft Project Add-In | PRJMSP | Runtime Environment |
Install the Microsoft Project Integration. Procedure: The Installer will guide you through rest of the installation. Follow instructions on how to install Microsoft Project Integration |