Naming Conventions
BizAPIs are public external interfaces to the application logic.
For this reason it is important that they are as clear and easy-to-understand as possible.
The general rule is that rather than using database column names and internal names
like oreg_dte all names should be written without abbreviations and with the commonly accepted name, like OrderRegistrationDate.
Here are some additional rules and recommendations for BizAPIs:
BizAPI Names
BizAPI names are in camel case (new word in upper case).
Inbound BizAPIs should be named ReceiveXxx to indicate their direction and asynchronous nature,
where Xxx is the name of the business document/transaction handled by the BizAPI.
Examples: ReceiveCustomerOrder, ReceiveFaultReport.
Inbound request (synchronous BizAPIs) should be named GetXxx, ListXxx or QueryXxx depending on their function.
GetXxx is used for BizAPIs that return a business entity or business document.
Examples: GetWorkOrder, GetOrderStatus, GetCustomer
ListXxx is used for BizAPIs that return a complete list of business entities, or parts thereof.
Returning a complete list means that there is no possibility for the caller
to specify a selection criteria to limit the list returned.
Examples: ListOperations.
QueryXxx is used for BizAPIs that use a standard in-out query document (the query protocol)
and therefore give the caller the possibility to specify a simple query-by-example selection criteria.
If the selection possibility is not implemented the function should not be called query something.
Examples: QueryCustomers, QuerySalesStatistics.
Outbound BizAPIs should be named SendXxx to indicate their direction and asynchronous nature,
where Xxx is the name of the business document/transaction handled by the BizAPI.
Examples: SendCustomerInvoices.
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