Configuring KPI Elements

KPI Properties

KPI Data Properties

Property Description
Data Source The name of the elements data source
Trend Axis Data source column which distinct values determine the granularity of the period KPI values are applicable for. This also affect trend when plotted as a historical sequence. A column pertaining to time based values is typically used.
Aggregate Kind of aggregation that should be applied to the column (Only available for SQL and Query Builder data sources)
Actual The column which value from the last period represents the actual or current business measure.
Target A value representing the target business measure for the KPI. It is either a user specified fixed value or fetched from the Data Source. If fetched from Data Source the value of the last period will be used.
Deviation A value representing the deviation of the KPI actual value from its target value. It is either calculated from Actual and Target values or precalculated in and fetched from the Data Source. If fetched from Data Source the value of the last period will be used.
Status A value representing KPI status used for formatting color of the element. It is either calculated from Actual and Target values or precalculated in and fetched from the Data Source. If fetched from Data Source the value of the last period will be used.
Trend Value When trend is formatted as "Trend value snapshot indicator" the value of the last period of this column represents the trend indication value used for formatting trend indicator.
When trend is formatted as "Plot historical trend" the values of all included periods in this column used for plitting historical trend.
Auto Refresh Will auto refresh the element. It's possible to choose poll interval


KPI Formatting Properties

Property Description
Show Actual / Target / Deviation / Status / Trend Individually determines whether to show visualizations for each section
Show As Percent Option to format a measure as percentage.
Use Thousand Separator Will format the counter value using a group separator
Use K, M, B Will format the counter value using K as a suffix meaning 1000 (e.g. 2,3 K means 2300)
Likewise M = 1 000 000 and B = 1 000 000 000
Round Result Rounds the counter value according to the number of decimals selected
Label Adds a label to the Target measure
Status Ranges Possible to define ranges for status color indication. Ranges may be defined by fixed values entered in free text or by dynamic values fetched from columns chosen from the Data Source.
Plot Historical Trend Option to determine whether trend is visualized as a snapshot indicator or historical plot.
Trend Ranges Possible to define ranges for trend arrow visualization. Ranges may be defined by fixed values entered in free text or by dynamic values fetched from columns chosen from the Data Source. Only used when "Trend value snapshot indicator" is selected.
Historical Trend Plot Chart Option to determine whether trend is visualized as a Line or Bar Chart. Only used when "Plot historical trend" is selected.


KPI Navigation Properties

Property Description
URL Address Any accessible Url that should be navigated to when clicking the element
Use data source condition Appends the data source condition data to the navigation
Use data source order by Appends the data source order by to the navigation