Application Search Security
There are two types of user security related to Application Search:
Search Domain security defines which end-users have the right to use which Search
Domain. This is done in different ways depending on the client used.
IFS Enterprise Explorer
If the end-user has the right to the use the activity maintaining the master
entity the user has the right to use the Search Domain.
Search Domain data security controls the right to see data within the business
object. This security differs a bit when using LUs or native entities.
LU Security
Security is maintained by using the view, connected to the master entity, during
search. This view is responsible for filtering which rows the end-user is allowed
to see or not see.
The following restrictions are valid for Search Domains today:
- Language dependent attributes:
Today the index is populated with Appowner's language for language dependent
attributes, such as states and iid's. It can not handle all end-users native
- Soft dependencies between components:
It is not possible to model and generate code for soft dependencies between
components. This means that if you model a soft dependency between two entities
you will end up with code that will not compile if the soft dependant component
not is installed.
- No automatic updates for two type of attributes:
You must rebuild the entire index for making visible updates of attributes of
type reference and LOB in a Search Domain.
If we should add a trigger for references we would end up with really big performance
problems. Triggers for LOB's is not possible to create in Oracle today, so we
can not do anything about this restriction. It is possible write customized
code in an LU package that handles updates of LOB's.