Extract and Apply Delta

The extract and apply process can be done in two steps, first extract and then apply, or in one step using the Extract & Apply action.

All the Action Parameters must be setup as in the image below. Refer in some other way to the other files that contains this information

The final result will obviously be the same, but you should know that DE actually performs more actions in an Extract and Apply action than when it runs Extract and then Apply:

  1. When using Extract and Apply both Revision1 and Revision2 files/folders must be available in the Action Parameters. (When doing Extract you only need Revision1, and when doing Apply you only need Revision2). Because of this DE can and will automatically compare Original and Revision2 files, and if they are found to be binary equal no delta needs to be extracted or applied. Revision1 is copied directly to the output file/folder.
  2. Using Extract and Apply: If DE for some reason encounter problems when extracting the delta between Original and Revision1, or when applying the delta to Revision2, DE will automatically try to extract the delta between Original and Revision2 instead and apply this on Revision1. Observe that this behavior is not used when running the Delta Engine within the IFS Software Update Assistant.