Search domain definition
This model defines both the structure, data fetch and client navigation settings for a search domain.
Name Component [ CodeGenProperties ] [ MainView ] Usages MainEntity Blocks
The structure consists of a root block (connected to a master entity) that aggregates a set of detail data blocks. Each detail is also connected to an entity and can in turn have details of it's own.
First section contains the naming of the model and component.
searchdomain Movie; component APPS8;
An optional section with codegen properties is used when necessary.
codegenproperties { DbTextIdColumnName "MOVIE_ID$"; }
A set of references to what view that are connected to the search domain.
mainview MOVIE; usages { }
The mainentity section is mandatory and contains with client navigation settings and also a set of attributes and detail references.
mainentity Movie { title "movie_id||' - '||title"; webpage "moview/"; attributes { key MovieId Number; indexed Title Text; } aggregates { array Cast MovieActor(MovieId); } }
Last section is a list of detail entities that are part of the structure. Each detail specifies a set of attributes and optionally further details.
detail MovieActor { attributes { key MovieId Number; key ActorId Number; indexed CharacterName Text; } aggregates { aggregate Actor Actor(ActorId); } } detail Actor { attributes { key ActorId Number; indexed FirstName Text; indexed LastName Text; } aggregates { } }
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