
Here all reference information is located. This is descriptions for central files etc.

Navigator Schema

FndNavigatorEntry element

Element Description

Entry key. Not visible to enduser. Must be unique for all navigator entries within IFS Applications.
Note! The key is used in user profile to override settings, avoid changing key.


Key for the parent element in which this element should be located.
NAVIGATOR_Root is a special value to indicate placement in the root of the tree.

Name End-user visible name of the navigator entry (is used as source for translations)
Url The URL to navigate to. Normally starts with ifswin: or ifsapf:
Type Type of navigator entry. See NavigatorEntrytType below

Ordinal number of the entry. Entries with lower ordinal will be located above entries with higher ordinal. Missing ordinal or zero ordinal will cause element to be located in an undefined order after all entries having ordinal


NavigatorEntryType defintions

Type Description
Folder Use folder icon. End-users can add custom child entries. Need no URL, will always navigate to start page.
FormWindow Use single form icon.
TableWindow Use table window icon.
DialogBox Use dialog window icon.
Feature Use feature window icon.
Explore URL will be treated as an “Explore Source”. Dynamic navigator plugin.
ScheduledTask Use Scheduled task icon
Task Use Task icon
Report Use report icon
QuickReport Use quick report icon
Url Use external URL icon
StartProgram Start external program. Url treated as name of exeutable
ProcessModel Use process model icon.