Logic expressions can be used in set
, if
and return
Entity references cannot be used in logic expressions. The reference record must be first fetched from the database into another variable.
Where expressions can be used in fetch
, for
, count
and entity sets offlinefilter
. Entity references can be used in where expressions to access related entity data.
Be careful to always use the correct types when doing comparisons. If comparing a Text
column to a Number
the database is likely to return no results. When SQLite converts the Number
to a Text
value it will always add a decimal place.
For example: We have an Employees entity set that has an EmpNo
with type Text
variable EmpNoToFind Number; variable FetchedEmployee Structure(Employee); set EmpNoToFind = 507; fetch Employees a where [a.EmpNo = EmpNoToFind] into FetchedEmployee;
In the above example FetchedEmployee
will be null even if there is an employee with an EmpNo
of "507". EmpNo
is a Text
column and EmpNoToFind
is a Number
variable. When running the query SQLite converts the 507
number to the string "507.0"
. Since the string "507" != "507.0"
no result is returned. The following would succeed:
variable EmpNoToFind Text; variable FetchedEmployee Structure(Employee); set EmpNoToFind = "507"; fetch Employees a where [a.EmpNo = EmpNoToFind] into FetchedEmployee;
== != ! or and > >= < <= + - / * % in (e.g. ProjectObjstate in ('STARTED','APPROVED'))