It is often useful to be able to enter input parameters to a migration job. A way to achieve something like that with IFS/Data Migration is by using the window Execute Job/Defaults. Here you can change a jobs default values before starting the job. The main purpose of this function is to allow users that does not have access to change jobs through the Maintenance window to change default values before running the jobs that they have execute permission to. This also allows you to use same job to transfer data to i.e. different sites or different companies by running the same job twice or several times with different default parameters. On jobs with Direction 'Out', you can also enter a Default Where in order to fetch the correct selection of data for this job.
Only columns that have the column Change Defaults set to "Allowed" in the Maintenance/File Mapping or Maintenance/Source Mapping tab will be shown in the Execute Job/Defaults window. Changing default values for a job will also change the default value that was configured for the job in the Maintenance window.
Execute Job/Defaults
To change values before running a job: