CCTI Technical Documentation

The purpose of this document is to provide information about the integration between IFS Applications and third-party product RIVA. From IFS Applications, a component called CCTI (Calendar, Contact and Task Integration) is developed to provide a generic integration framework to integrate with RIVA.



The requirement is to synchronize contacts, appointments, tasks, opportunities, etc. between user’s exchange account and IFS. In order to achieve this we have used a 3rd party product called RIVA CRM Integration. RIVA enables server-side, two-way, synchronization of appointments, tasks, contacts, leads, etc. between supported e-mail systems and IFS.
More information about RIVA can be found in
This document describes the Technical implementation of the integration between IFS and RIVA.


RIVA Architecture



The RIVA Synchronization Engine acts as the controller of the synchronization and initiates all calls to the mail system e.g., Microsoft Exchange and the IFS installation. The IFS developed SDK Service Library uses the Riva SDK framework and receives those calls from the RIVA synchronization engine and queries the IFS database or calls methods in the IFS database sync entities to change the data, i.e., insert new records, update existing records or in some cases remove records in IFS. All configurations for synchronization schedules etc. is done in the RIVA client.


Please, refer the CCTI installation Guide.



After the installation, you have to do the necessary configurations of RIVA using Riva.exe.
Please, refer CCTI Installation Guide for more information on this.



How to set custom options? You can apply these to a Sync policy or to a target user. Refer

  1. Delete Safety Mechanism
    RIVA has an internal mechanism call “Delete Safety” which will raise an error if any one poll result indicates that there are a large number of items to be deleted. Then there will be an error raised by default (Ex: “[Appointment] Error - [CA] Poll result returned more deletes than allowed [37%/10%]. Aborting to prevent data loss”).
    In order to disable or avoid this error use,

    Sync.Crm.DeleteSafety.Disabled = true

    This article has more information about this feature:

  2. In order to synchronize the deletions of IFS records to the e-mail system, you have to enable the following setting,

    Sync.Crm.PollBySnapshot = true

    If you have enabled this, you can control how often RIVA will detect deletions done in CRM in a separate sync cycle. In order to set up this, use Advanced Scheduling and select Minimum interval to verify CRM for deletions. Use this option to reduce the amount of sync work RIVA performs to remove stale data.

Advanced Scheduling

The recommendation is to not do a delete sync during normal office hours as it involves fetching and processing significantly more data and reading all the records from the sync views.

  1. If you want to transfer contact pictures from IFS to Exchange, use the following custom option,

    Sync.Crm.ContactPicture.Enabled = true

  2. If you need to transfer contact pictures from Exchange to IFS, use the following custom options,

    Sync.ExToCrm.ContactPicture.Enabled = true


  3. If you need to show more information in the body of the Appointment, Task or Contact (apart from mapped column example Notes), use the following option,

    Sync.Crm.AppendDetailsHyperDescription.[Module] = true

    This feature will append a specially marked up portion to the body of an appointment, task or contact in the From-CRM direction, to display additional information that may be relevant to the user. If you use this for the appointment module, RIVA will extract some basic information from the contacts connected to appointment, such as name, e-mail address, phone number and display them in the body.
    Appointment Body Format1

  4. If you want to customize the fields displayed on a per contact basis, you can use the option:


    The value can be a formatted string similar to below,

    Name: {Fields[FirstName]} {Fields[MiddleName]} {Fields[LastName]}
    Email: {Fields[Email]} Office Phone: Fields[OfficePhone]}

    Appointment Body Format2

  5. If you want to customize the entire details section for the whole object instead of just on a per contact basis, you can use the option:


    The value of this option should provide the format for the entire section and will be evaluated against the main object, not the related contact objects.

    For example, if you wanted to display the owner name in the body of the Appointment you could add the RIVA area column name like this:
    Owner Name: {Fields[OwnerName]}

    You can specify multiple columns to be displayed in a separate file and use it in this option.
    Sync.Crm.AppendDetailsHyperDescription.Format.Appointment = @file=~\AppointmentDetailsFormat.txt
    This file should be located in folder Riva\Application\{Base or current version}

    file can contain fields like,
    Activity Description: {Fields[Name]}
    Connection Name: {Fields[Location]}
    Connection Type: {Fields[Categories]}
    Main Representative ID: {Fields[OwnerId]}
    Main Representative Name: {Fields[OwnerName]}
    Activity No: {Fields[Custom.LinkToActivity]}

    It is possible to include any information in the file and that information will be displayed in the body. For example if you need to have a link to business activity, it is possible by adding the URL to the file. You can map the activity number to RIVA custom field (Ex: Custom.LinkToActivity) and specify that field in the URL.


    These will be shown in the appointment body as below,


IFS Implementation


Why IFS Sync Entity?

In RIVA, they have single entities for Contact, Lead, Task, Appointment, etc.
When it comes to IFS, for example if you consider the Contact, it will connect with several LUs (Customer, Person, CommMethod, Customer contact). Therefore it can be a complicated process to handle the synchronization between RIVA and IFS if we have several LUs. A design decision has been taken to keep a one to one relationship between the RIVA modules and the IFS sync entities. The complexity of merging and splitting data is done in the IFS Sync entity.

What is IFS Sync Entity?

The IFS sync entity will be a utility package and it will generate a single view with all relevant normal and custom fields for specified IFS entity. Further it will contain Create, Update and Delete procedures. Inside these procedures, they will redirect to correct package procedures when it retrieves the fields and values from RIVA. For example, if it is a modification of e-mail address in contact, then it will call the relevant Modify procedure in Comm_Method_API.

Name of Sync entities

The naming convention for an IFS sync entity LU is CctiSync<Riva module>.


Since IFS fields and RIVA fields differ, we need to create a translation mapping between them. This mapping will be used in every synchronization cycle.
There is a window to map the fields. A default mapping is inserted during the installation of the component.
Integration Schema Lead

Some key points to consider in this schema window,

  1. Only Active schemas will be considered in synchronization.

  2. If you have created a custom field or added a field to a LU (connected to schema) and if you need to use that field for mapping then you should select the RMB option “Recreate Sync view”. This operation will re-create the sync view with latest fields and refresh the dictionary cache.

  3. Key column of Sync view (often it will be an OBJKEY column) will be mapped to a hidden “ID” column of RIVA area. This will be done automatically when you have given header entries of the window.

  4. Area and fields should be defined in the basic data form. Any additional fields added should have an area column name starting with “Custom.” followed by something descriptive.

Integration Package Area



In order to import and export schema data use Migration Jobs.



The CCTI SDK DLL (Ifs.Application.Ccti.Riva.dll) is the IFS implementation of the interfaces RIVA has defined in their SDK for building a service library for integrating with RIVA. It acts as a translator between RIVA and IFS and handles all connections to the IFS installation. Please, refer more information in CCTI Development Guide.


A new window has been added to show basic logging information related to the synchronization.
Main log items:

  1. Start of sync cycle

  2. Validation error messages when do insert/update/delete in IFS side and also other exceptions that can occur in synchronization.

  3. End of sync cycle
    Please note that there will be detailed log files generated where the RIVA is installed.
    Integration Log

Log Clean Up

In order to clean up the records in the Integration Log window, a database task will be created by default. Change the DAYS_TO_KEEP_ parameter value according to your requirement. This parameter will be used to delete the log records older than the value mentioned. Using this database task, create a schedule to automate the deletion of the log records periodically.


To enable more extensive logging from the IFS service library, you can edit the file Ifs.Application.Ccti.Riva.dll.config.
Find the line which specifies the log level, typically something like:
<level value="INFO"/>

And change the value to be DEBUG and restart the Omi Riva SDK Sync Service Windows service.
It is also possible to get more details in the RIVA log files by following the instructions here:
All log files are created in the RIVA installation, in the Logs folder, e.g. C:\Riva\Logs




It is possible to synchronize customer contacts and lead contacts to exchange and vice versa. These two kinds of contacts can be identified in exchange using the categories defined in the RIVA configuration.


Sync view for contact is called Ccti_Sync_Contact. This view contains the mapped fields of Ccti_Sync_Cust_Contact view (in order to support supplier contacts, this view has been defined). Ccti_Sync_Cust_Contact view consists from different LUs connected with customer contacts. They are Customer_Info_Contact, Customer_Info_Address, Person_Info, Comm_Method_Info (person) and Customer_Info. This view will consist of all fields (including custom fields) of Customer_Info_Contact, Customer_Info_Address and Person_Info. Customer name of Customer_Info and some communication methods like email, phone no, mobile no, etc. will be also included.


Contact sync view columns should be mapped with RIVA contact fields. By default there will be some columns mapped.
Integration Schema Lead

Sync columns contain prefixes such as “CIC_”, “CIA_”, “PI_”, “CM_” and “CI_”. These are used to identify the correct LU in sync package when insert/update or delete relevant IFS records.

Support for Supplier Contacts

Using the above mapping window, it is possible to implement to synchronize supplier contacts as well. Sync package and sync view are available by default for supplier contacts. They are called Ccti_Sync_Supp_Contact_API and Ccti_Sync_Supp_Contact. If you need to synchronize supplier contacts, then you need to do the mapping first. RMB and select Create Schema from the Schema tab. This RMB option is only available if the schema is a Main Schema or an empty schema. Fill the necessary fields in the dialog box and click OK.

Note: If the schema is empty (probably when you are creating a new one) then use the same Create Schema dialog box in order to create the sub schema. “From Schema” will be empty in the dialog box.

Create Schema

This will copy the main schema (Customer contact) mapping to new supplier contact schema.Supplier Contacts

Sync column will contain value as “NULL” by default. You need to give the proper sync column using the List of Values. Refer the below image. Keep “NULL” if you do not find a proper column to use for the mapping.Supplier Contact2

Some key points to consider here,

  1. In multiple schemas such as customer and supplier contacts, you can add, edit, delete mapping only for main schema.

  2. Any changes done for main schema will be affected to other schemas (non-main schema) such as supplier contact.

  3. If you have multiple schemas (under the Schema tab), then it is important to map the RIVA “Categories” column to Sync column “CATEGORIES” which will return the schema type as the value. Schema type will be displayed in Outlook as a category and this will make it easy to identify the different contacts (Customer/Supplier).

  4. After creating sub schemas, you have to RMB and select Recreate Sync View from the header. Header view Ccti_Sync_Contact will be then recreated using union of sub sync views (containing with mapped columns).

  5. If a schema contains only one sub schema then Sync view and sub sync view can be same ex: Appointment


When the schema is active, customer contacts will be synchronized to exchange (according to last modified date). In IFS, you can connect same person to different customers as contacts, therefore there will be duplicated contacts shown in exchange (but connected to different customers).
If you have set “Must be Owner” in the RIVA policy, only the contacts which the current user is set as Main Representative will be synchronized.
Address Book - Must be Owner

Person’s picture

This can be synchronized to exchange and vice versa by activating the relevant custom options (refer RIVA Custom Options)

Delete contact from IFS

In order to effect the deletion of the record over to exchange as well, you have to activate the PollBySnapshot setting in RIVA.


Create Contact

In order to synchronize the new exchange contact to IFS as a customer contact, you have to specify the correct value to Company field (which is mapped to customer name/ID in IFS). Select the Address Book category defined in the RIVA policy, if RIVA option is set to Require Category when creating new contacts.

Note: If you synchronize both Customer and Supplier contacts, then it is important to add the correct category (Customer or Supplier) to the new contact as well.

If you specify just a value then system will take that value as the customer name and it will search the customer record in IFS by customer name. If you have specified the company value with “#” prefix then company value will be taken as Customer ID and it will search the customer record in IFS by customer ID. If no related customer is found then an error will be raised and the exchange contact will be not synchronized to IFS.
If you do not know the customer ID/name of the contact then keep the company field blank and set the contact category as Lead. This contact will be then connected to a Lead (dummy lead in this case).

Contact creation logic in sync package

1.       If company value has a value then it will search and fetch the customer record (if customer record is not found or company value is empty then system will raise an error).

2.       Try to match the E-mail address in person’s communication method. If not found then create a new person and add other communication method information (Also this will update the custom field values of person as well if available).

3.       Add the new/existing person as a new contact to the customer record.

4.       Update custom field values of customer info contact if have any.

5.       If contact has address information, then these will be added as a person’s address.

Note: Normally customer address will be synchronized to exchange contact. But from exchange to IFS, no customer address will be created (only updates will be transferred).


Update Contact
          The updated contact information (relevant for mapped fields) will be synchronized to IFS.

Delete contact from Exchange/Lotus notes
When you delete a contact in exchange or Lotus notes, by default IFS customer contact or lead contact will not be deleted. You have to select the following check box in order to do so. Please, refer more information in

Advanced Contact Deletion option



Business Lead contacts will be synchronized to exchange and those will use Lead category in contacts of exchange.


Sync view for lead contact is called Ccti_Sync_Lead. This view contains fields from different LUs connected with Business Lead contact. They are Business_Lead_Contact, Business_Lead_Address, Person_Info, Comm_Method_Info (person) and Business_Lead. This view will consist of all fields (including custom fields) of Business_Lead_Contact, Business_Lead_Address and Person_Info. Lead name of Business_Lead and some communication methods like e-mail, phone no, mobile no, etc. will be also included.


Lead Contact sync view columns should be mapped with RIVA lead contact fields. By default there will be some columns mapped.

Integration Schema Contact

Sync columns contain prefixes such as “BLC_”, “BLA_”, “PI_”, “CM_” and “BL_”. These are used to identify the correct LU in sync package when inserting/updating or deleting relevant IFS records.

Note: Sync view and sub sync view are same here. If you need to add a different schema to lead (similar to supplier contact) then you should change the sub sync package and view names (refer contact implementation).


When the schema is active, lead contacts will be synchronized to exchange (according to last modified date). If you have set “Must be Owner” in RIVA policy, only the lead contacts for which the current user is set as Main Representative will be synchronized.

Delete contact from IFS
In order to effect the deletion of the record over to exchange as well, you have to activate the PollBySnapshot setting in RIVA.


Create Lead Contact
In order to synchronize the new exchange contact to IFS as a business lead contact, you have to specify the correct value to Company field (which is mapped to lead name/ID in IFS) and exchange category which uses for Lead. If you specify just a value in the Company field then system will take that value as the lead name and it will search the business lead record in IFS by lead name. If you have specified the company value with “#” prefix then company value will be taken as lead ID and it will search the business lead record in IFS by lead ID. If related lead record is not found then system will create a new lead using the name provided in company field and attach the contact to it. If the company field is blank then contact will be attached to a dummy lead (lead name of dummy lead would be {userid}_ccti).

Lead Contact creation logic in sync package

  1. If company value has value then will search and fetch the business lead record (if lead record is not found, system will create a new lead or company value is empty then system will use dummy lead).
  2. Try to match the E-mail address in persons. If found then person will be added as a business lead contact. If not found then new lead contact will be created as a new person.
  3. Update custom field values of business lead contact if there are any.
  4. If contact has address information, then these will be added as a Lead’s address. And will be connected to newly added lead contact.

Update Lead Contact
The updated contact information (relevant for mapped fields) will be synchronized to IFS.

Delete Lead contact
See delete of customer Contacts.



Exchange task will be mapped with Business Activity (Calendar item type = “Task”). You can synchronize all types of business activities to exchange (Customer, Business Lead and Supplier). Connection name will be mapped with company field of Task. If you need to see different tasks (separate with categories) then you should map “Connection Type” with RIVA Categories field.


Cccti_Sync_Task sync view will contain all the columns of Business Activity where calendar item type = “Task”.


Sync view columns should be mapped with RIVA Task fields. By default there will be a mapping.

Integration Schema Task

Note: Sync view and sub sync view are same here. If you need to add a different schema to Task (similar to supplier contact) then you should change the sub sync package and view names (refer contact implementation).


When the schema is active, then business activities (Task) will be synchronized to exchange (according to last modified date). Main Representative will be used as the owner of records and only the records which current user is set as main representative will be synchronized.

Connection Type

If you mapped the connection type to RIVA categories field then, you can see secondary categories such as customer, supplier and business lead in exchange.

Activity Type

The default Activity Type of Business Activity when creating from CCTI can be defined in Relationship Management\CRM and SRM\Basic Data\CRM and SRM Basic Data\Default Values. For Tast, it has to be defined in the context ‘Default Business Activity Type when creating Task type Business Activity from CCTI’

Delete Business Activity from IFS
In order to effect the deletion of the record over to exchange as well, you have to activate the PollBySnapshot setting in RIVA.


Create Task
In order to synchronize the new exchange appointment to IFS as a business activity, you have to specify the correct value to Company field (which is mapped to connection name/ID in IFS) and set up the secondary exchange category which refer as Customer, supplier or business lead. Secondary category is important to identify the connection type. If you have not given that then the task will be treated as a customer type. If you leave the company blank and set the secondary category as “Business Lead” then the new task will be transferred to IFS as a new business activity and will be connected to the dummy lead.

Update Task
Update of exchange task will be synced back to relevant business activity.

Delete Task
If you deleted a task then the corresponding business activity will be deleted in IFS.



Exchange appointment will be mapped with Business Activity (Calendar item type = “Appointment”). You can synchronize all types of business activities to exchange (Customer, Business Lead and Supplier). Connection name will be mapped with location field of Appointment. If you need to see different appointments (separate with categories) then you should map “Connection Type” with RIVA Categories field.

Following is the order that identifies Connection Name to synchronize between exchange and business activity;

  1. Connection ID or Connection Name is mapped to a Riva field that should be used
  2. Connection ID/Name defined within tags in the exchange appointment subject
  3. Connection ID/Name defined within tags in the exchange appointment body

Note: The connection can be of Customer, Supplier or Business Lead.

Defining tags:
Default tags are defined in Application Base Setup/System Setup/System Definitions – Object Property tab. It is possible to change default tags. The start default tag is [ and the end default tag is ]. When you change default tags, if you enter only one character, the same will be used as both start and end tags.


Cccti_Sync_Appointment sync view will contain all the columns of Business Activity where calendar item type = “Appointment”.


Sync view columns should be mapped with RIVA Appointment fields. By default there will be a mapping.

Integration Schema Appointment

Note: Sync view and sub sync view are same here. If you need to add a different schema to Appointment (similar to supplier contact) then you should change the sub sync package and view names (refer contact implementation).



When the schema is active, then business activities (Appointment type) will be synchronized to exchange (according to last modified date). Main Representative will be used as the owner of records and only the records for which the current user is set as main representative will be synchronized. If you mapped the connection type to RIVA categories field then, you can see secondary categories such as customer, supplier and business lead in exchange. All representatives and contacts connected to business activity will be added as Attendees in exchange appointment.

Delete Business Activity from IFS
In order to effect the deletion of the record over to exchange as well, you have to activate the PollBySnapshot setting in RIVA.


Create Appointment

In order to synchronize the new exchange appointment to IFS as a business activity, you have to specify the Connection ID/Name within tags in the Appointment subject/body and set up the secondary exchange category which refer as Customer, Supplier or Business lead.
Following are two examples of using default tags;

  1. [ABC Company] Start up meeting
    The customer name is ‘ABC Company’
  2. [#ABC] Start up meeting
    The customer ID is ‘ABC’

Otherwise for example, if the Location field is mapped to Connection Name in IFS, then you have to specify the correct value to location field.

Connection Type
Secondary category is important to identify the connection type. If you have not given that then the appointment will be treated as a customer type. If you leave the company blank and set the secondary category as 'Business Lead' then the new task will be transferred to IFS as a new business activity and will be connected to the dummy lead. Attendees added to the appointment will be synchronized as representatives and contacts in Business Activity.

Activity Type
The default Activity Type of Business Activity when creating from CCTI can be defined in Relationship Management\CRM and SRM\Basic Data\CRM and SRM Basic Data\Default Values. For Appointment, it has to be defined in the context ‘Default Business Activity Type when creating Appointment type Business Activity from CCTI’

Update Appointment
Update of exchange task will be synced back to relevant business activity.

Delete Appointment
If you deleted a task then corresponding business activity will be deleted in IFS.


Opportunity will be added as a custom object in exchange. This will be mapped with Business Opportunity. Records will be synchronized only in one direction (IFS to Exchange).


Cccti_Sync_Opportunity sync view will contain all the columns of Business Opportunity.


Sync view columns should be mapped with RIVA Opportunity fields. By default there will be a mapping.

Integration Schema Opportunity


When the schema is active, business opportunities will be synchronized to exchange (according to last modified date). If you have set the filter by owner, then Main Representative will be used as the owner of records and only the records for which the current user is set as main representative will be synchronized.

Delete Business Opportunity from IFS

In order to effect the deletion of the record over to exchange, you have to activate the PollBySnapshot setting in RIVA.


Opportunity records will be read only in Exchange side.



These entities are not synchronized to Exchange, but should always be active as they are used by RIVA during the synchronization. They can be considered ‘System’ sync entities.

Integration Schema Org

Integration Schema User



Any fields that are to be added to the list of user defined fields, you need to add them to “Integration Package Area” basic data window for a specific area first.
Refer the following syntax in order to add a custom field,

Custom.{fieldname} – String type. Ex: Custom.Favorite Color
Custom.Boolean.{fieldname} – Boolean type
Custom.Currency.{fieldname} – Currency type
Custom.Date.{fieldname} – Date type
Custom.Double.{fieldname} – Double type
Custom.Integer.{fieldname} – Integer type

After adding the fields to basic data, add the mapping for the fields in the integration schema window. You can map these RIVA custom fields with any IFS fields which are available for the specific sync view. After a synchronization of records from IFS to RIVA, these custom fields will be available in the user’s exchange system. You can then include these fields in different views in Exchange.

Note: Any new fields you add might not immediately show up in Outlook. You might need to do some kind of refresh (shift from Contacts to Mail and back etc. or possibly re-start Outlook) to see the new fields under the user-defined list.

Outlook Field Chooser


When you add a custom field in IFS to an LU which is connected with integration then you need to select the RMB option Recreate sync view in the integration schema window for the sync entity. This will recreate the sync view and include the custom field to the view. After that you can use it for mapping.

IFS Custom Fields

Adding custom field will be useful in case you do not find a perfect match between RIVA fields and standard IFS fields.



Please, refer the CCTI Development Guide.