The purpose of this page is to provide specific installation information related to Mobile Work Order. This page cover the Mobile Work Order on Aurena Native version. If you need to find information regarding the App10 MWO RTM version, please refer to this page.
There are 2 apps for Mobile Work Order on Aurena Native:
The release includes two mobile apps – internally they are called ServiceEngApp and MaintEngApp. If only one of these is to be used in a customer installation you can delete the unused app version from the EE client. As a result, unwanted synch tasks, outbox messages, etc, will not be created.
All apps for are located at each hardware platforms app store. Always use the latest version.
You now need to logon to the proper IFS Applications system in order to use your app, by entering the correct Server URL and System ID, and then login using your user credentials with correct User and Password. This information you should get from your system administrator.
To Push functionality to work the PL/SQL Access Provider needs to be correctly set up in the environment:
In order to get access to the Open ID login page, the following steps need to be done: