Document Management AutoVue Integration (DOCVUE)

This page documents special considerations for getting the Document Management AutoVue Integration component (DOCVUE) working.

When to use this information:

Use this page when you want to install IFS Document Management AutoVue Integration and want to ensure that everything will work properly.



The DOCVUE component contains parts that should be deployed on the IFS Applications Server and a dedicated server for Oracle AutoVue Server.

Component build options

In order to get the correct installation package for the Oracle AutoVue Server, you must select one of these AutoVue Server License options in Config Builder: Office, 2D or 3D. You can only select one of them. Read on in the Server section for more details about these packages.

Client requirements

The viewer part of AutoVue is a Java applet. Therefore Java is required on each client PC that will use the viewer. The required Java version can be found in Oracle AutoVue - Quick Install Guide.

One of the permission sets listed below, should be granted to the end user or end user group:


Server requirements

The server part of Oracle AutoVue is a Java program. Therefore Java is required on the server machine that runs the Oracle AutoVue server. The required Java version can be found in Oracle AutoVue - Quick Install Guide. This Java version is required both for building the DOCVUE component (the parts that runs in the application server) and running the AutoVue Server program.

IFS Installer Parameters (when running installer.cmd)

For most non-Foundation1 components you do not need to specify any parameters/options when the IFS Installer is run. Docvue however requires that the following parameters are filled in during execution of the installer. The options are presented in a special step in the installation process:

Oracle AutoVue Server Installation

Oracle AutoVue Server is not installed automatically, it must be done manually after getting the correct installation program (see below).

The Oracle AutoVue Server program should be installed on a separate machine than the rest of the server parts of IFS Applications. Note: This is very important since the AutoVue Server consumes a lot of CPU when it renders the document files to be viewed. It is not recommended to run it on the same machine unless it is only for demo or testing purposes.

There are three different versions of the AutoVue Server, "Office", "2D" and "3D", where 2D contains all features of Office and 3D contains all features of Office and 2D. For most customers Office will be enough but for some that makes use of 2D and 3D-CAD packages, those versions might be needed as well (please note that those versions has another price model than the Office version). For details on what file formats are supported by each version,  please refer to Oracle AutoVue - Supported File Formats

After having built the component you should have the selected installation package in the folder named "external\docvue". For installing Oracle AutoVue Server, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the Oracle AutoVue version you have previously selected in the DOCVUE build option to the server you want to install AutoVue Server software on. This file is located in the external folder of the build home.
  2. Run the installation of AutoVue Server (InstallClientServer.exe). If needed, the official documentation from Oracle for the installation can be found linked at the end of this document.
  3. Specify the installation directory, example C:\Oracle\AutoVue
  4. Select Standard Installation
  5. Select shortcut Folder
  6. Select In a new program group
  7. Check the hostname for the server. This should be the host name that you entered during the IFS Installer step mentioned earlier.
  8. On the page for specifying hostname and port of the webserver. The integration is not using these web server files.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Use the standard option jVue and click Next.
  11. After the installation of Oracle AutoVue is completed, migrate the GUI settings in the file default.gui from the component directory DOCVUE\external\docvue\AutoVue Server GUI file\ to the default.gui located in the AutoVue installation folder \bin\Profiles (for example C:\Oracle\AutoVue\bin\Profiles). In order to migrate GUI settings, it is recommended that you run a diff utility between the two files and manually apply the changes to the file in the AutoVue installation folder.
    Note: This action is mandatory and if you do not do this it will open functions in the viewer user interface that will generate runtime errors.
  12. This needs to be done for AutoVue Server version 20.2.3 onwards:
    jvueserver.authentication.enable parameter should be made FALSE in ..[Autovue install dir]\Autovue\bin\ file.
  13. If IFS Middleware Server (IFS MWS) is configured to run on HTTPS follow the steps below
    1. Add support for TLS v1.1 and v1.2 (since IFS MWS only supportsthese two versions) by applying the changes below:
      1. Stop the AutoVue server and open the [Autovue install dir]\Autovue\bin\ file
      2. Edit the jvueserver.cmdline parameter to look like the following (addition in highlighted text)
        jvueserver.cmdline=-Xmx128M -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"C:\Oracle\AutoVue\bin\policy" -Dlog4j.configuration="file:/C:\Oracle\AutoVue\bin\log4j.xml" 
        com.cimmetry.jvueserver.JVueServer -p"C:\Oracle\AutoVue\bin\"
    2. Next, import and register the certificate used in IFS MWS in the Autovue Server Java version
      1. Locate the certificate used in IFS MWS in [IFS MWS Server]\IFSHome\instance\[instance]\security\certs\import
      2. Open a command line window and change the directory to where AutoVue is installed, e.g., C:\Oracle\AutoVue
      3. Add the certificate to the AutoVue JRE using the Java keytool command:
        C:\Oracle\AutoVue> jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <alias> -file <path_to_certificate_file\mws_certificate_name.cer> -keystore jre\lib\security\cacerts
      4. When prompted for a password, enter "changeit" (without the quotes). the certificate is now imported.
      5. Note: If you need to import multiple certificates, make sure each certificate is distinguished by a unique 'alias' in the Java keytool command.
    3. Restart AutoVue.

Special role required for the user DOCVUETICKETUSER

The script security_docvue_use_ticket.ins creates a role, DOCVUE_USE_TICKET, and adds permissions to it for running the method Vue_Link_Auth_Ticket_API.Use_Ticket. This method is used by the IFS AutoVue Connector to find out which user is viewing the document. The user ID is obtained by using a ticket that has been generated from the client (web or IFS Enterprise Explorer) and sent in to the IFS AutoVue Connector.

Only one user needs to be granted this role and it is the user DOCVUETICKETUSER. This user runs the method call mentioned above in the IFS AutoVue Connector. The name of the user can be changed in the file web.xml in ifs-autovue-connector.war that is normally included in ifsapp.ear. Normally there should be no need to change this name, but it can be done.

Role Scripts

This section describes pre defined roles, activities and system privileges needed for this component. Each script contains only objects handled by this component and may need to be further developed or combined with roles defined in other components to work properly, according to the need of the customer installation.

This script creates a role, DOCVUE_USE_TICKET, and adds permissions to it for running the method Vue_Link_Auth_Ticket_API.Use_Ticket. This method is used by the IFS AutoVue Connector to find out which user is viewing the document. The user ID is obtained by using a ticket that has been generated from the client (web or IEE) and sent in to the IFS AutoVue Connector. Only one user needs to be granted this role and it is the user DOCVUETICKETUSER. This user runs the method call mentioned above in the IFS AutoVue Connector. The name of the user can be changed in the file web.xml in ifs-autovue-connector.war that is normally included in ifsapp.ear. Normally there should be no need to change this name, but it can be done.

Limitations/Special Instructions

AutoVue installation for Linux currently not supported

Oracle officially supports installation of AutoVue on both Linux and Windows platforms. However, IFS has only tested and certified installation on Windows at this time.

Language limitations

Since Oracle AutoVue currently only have *full* support for a few languages other than English, only these languages will be enabled in the AutoVue viewer. The languages (other than English, the default language) with full support are:

Technical documentation for developers

For a technical overview of the DOCVUE component, read this document.

Official Oracle installation documentation

The official documentation for installing and configuring the Oracle AutoVue Server can be found here: Oracle AutoVue - Quick Install Guide. This guide also covers supported platforms for Oracle AutoVue Client and Server software used in this component.

For a list of supported file formats that AutoVue can display, please refer to Oracle AutoVue - Supported File Formats

Sometimes the installation program fails to register the Windows service for the Oracle AutoVue Server. If that happens, follow the instructions in this document: manually installing the autovue server service [id 1063561.1]i.pdf

Troubleshooting Guide

Below is a list of common problems with an AutoVue client/server installation and their solutions: