Financial Report Generator (FINREP)

The purpose with this page is to provide some specific installation information related to Financial Report Generator.


Translating Report Templates

Report Generator templates are part of the FINREP (Financial Report Generator) specific Company Template files. Translation of Financial Report Generator template specific texts can be handled in one of the following ways:

  1. Alternative 1
    1. Create a company from a template.
    2. Add or modify Financial Report Generator  templates in that company.
    3. Perform the translations in the Application Base Setup / Enterprise / Company / System Manager Functions / Company Attribute Translations window.

      Note: For Financial Report Generator template translations it is better and more safe to perform the translations in a company context rather then using the Template Attribute Translation window  

    4. Create a new template from the newly modified company.
    5. Create new Company Template files for component FINREP using the Application Base Setup / Enterprise / Company / Company Template / Export Company Template to File Assistant
    6. Deploy the files and/or make them part of the FINREPs' installation files.
    7. Note: To create language and translation files it is necessary to use functionality in Translation Manager folder.

  2. Alternative 2
    1. Use the Scan Translatable Code feature in Translation Manager.

      It is possible to select one specific Company Template as scanning source.

    2. Perform the translations in the Manage Text Translation window under node Explore Text Translations in the Translation Manager folder. One or many company templates can be handled, where each company template can consist of many report generator templates.
    3. To transfer translations to the Company Template specific storage, i.e. to the Application Base Setup / Enterprise / Company / Company Template / Template Attribute Translation window, either select translated rows in the Manage Text Translation window and perform RMB Refresh Language Cache or in the Import Language Files feature, select a language and perform RMB Refresh Cache.
    4. Create new Company Template files for component FINREP using the Application Base Setup / Enterprise / Company / Company Template / Export Company Template to File Assistant
    5. Deploy the files and/or make them part of the FINREPs' installation files.
    6. Note: To create language and translation files it is necessary to use functionality in Translation Manager folder.

Batch Queue Handling for Report Generator Reports

During installation a specific batch queue named Financial Batch Queue is defined. The queue is dedicated by default to handle Financial Report Generator reports ordered in batch. This batch queue is by default associated with a single background process and thereby ensures that only one Report Generator report at a time is executed in batch, avoiding system suffocation due to simultaneous execution of reports.

Default behavior of this batch queue can be changed by using the Solution Manager / Configuration / Batch Queue Administration feature.

Note: Do not change the queue configuration without carefully considering the consequences.

If this queue, for some reason, is deleted then all Report Generator reports ordered in batch will be executed in an Oracle batch queue regardless of Foundation1 batch handling and therefore system suffocation may occur due to simultaneous execution of CPU intense reports.

The registration of the Report Generator specific report queue Financial Batch Queue is done the file FinrepBatchQueue.ins.